Transformed into Him! ‘A report from the January edition of The Supernatural Healing Institute with Sydney Delchot“ — Many who have heard us speak and declare about the year of Supernatural Influence do not fully grasp what it is exactly that God wants us to know about His world, His glory and intentions as the creator.
Yes, when it comes to the term of “the realm of the spirit” there is the Supernatural Divine and the supernatural demonic. Therefore It’s important to understand that God wants us to know Him on a divine relationship basis and that we’ve even been invited, to know and understand Him and His world through His word. But the most important thing is that we become like Him. Transformed into His likeness. TRANSFORMATION IS KEY!
When we are transformed, His ways become our ways. The book of 2 Corinthians 3:18 says that we changed into His image.
During a special gathering this year called The Supernatural Healing Institute which is founded by our man of God prophet Delchot, he said: “Many want to operate in the power of God, but they do not want God. They chase after mantles and run after gifted people without having fellowship with the King of kings. This is why it is important to set the tone about this topic and be sure we all understand that our focus is Jesus and Knowing Him.“ ~ Sydney Delchot
Romans 8 teaches that those who are led by God’s Spirit are the very offspring of God; and according to 2 Peter 1:4, it means we literally take on God’s nature. Everything in the supernatural comes along with knowing by default because He (God) is supernatural. In fact, Jesus is the supernatural and He is who we are focusing on.
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